Getting Started

Invite Your Friends

Invite your friends or just share your itinerary to keep them informed or jealous 🤪.


To invite your family or friends to the trip, navigate to the trip and in the top right hand corner of the screen click on the 3 dots.


You will see an option for Trip Friends, click on this.


You can either invite your trip participants by entering their email and hitting Next, or you have the option to Copy The Link and text it to them.


Once someone has been invited by email you will see them listed under Invited. If you would like to cancel the invite, just press the red garbage can next to their name. And click Remove when prompted.


Once your invites either through email or by accessing the link you texted them accept and join the trip, you will see them listed under Already Joined.


You can always remove a participant by hitting the red garbage can next to their name and click Remove when prompted.

Still need some help?